Newsflash: Kids born after the year 2000 will soon turn 18. Does that make you feel old? Then it’s time to get with the future, pal. Luckily these decor ideas will help bring you into the new age.
Back Painted Glass
This adds some fantastic futurism to a bathroom by making all backsplashes shine with the least amount of grout or lines. Fascinating how quickly a bathroom transforms into feeling like a hotel luxury standard by merely eliminating edges and corners. If you’re really feeling adventurous, why not try a back-painted wall in a living room or other common space. They double as fantastic instant white-boards!
Hidden Televisions
Heck, why wouldn’t you want a TV in every room? When you think of all the ways we can share our hand-held electronics through screen mirroring now, there are many easy ways to get your activities on your phone cast to a big TV. Apple TV, Samsung Screen Mirroring, or other apps can wirelessly connect your laptop, tablet, or phone to another device. If it syncs wirelessly, we can get it in any room!
Architectural Glass
Partitions or furniture top structures are making a comeback because of their futuristic look and cohesive appearance alongside other minimalist design elements. We love making architectural glass because it involves working on a piece that caters to the space. The dimensions we use in architectural glass are custom measured – you could never get the same effect with a store-bought shelving unit or hanger.
With our help you can launch your renovation into deep space with minimalist designs and futuristic advances. The future is calling, so why not call us at (403)-253-3777?