Here at Calgary’s House of Mirrors, we try to give customers their space and let them walk our aisles freely, and certainly don’t hover close enough to hear their conversations. And yet, if you work in our showroom for long enough, there are three things you are bound to hear again and again:
1. “That’s new…” If you don’t visit our showroom regularly, you might be literally amazed at the things that designers and developers are coming up with. From fogless mirrors to shower doors that change color and texture, there are lots of exciting products on display that would have been considered in the realm of “science fiction” just a couple of decades ago.
2. “I didn’t know they could do that…” This is most often heard in our architectural glass department, where utility and artistic design come together in dazzling colors, textures, and styles. If you want something truly unique in your home that will serve as a talking point for decades to come, you’ll have to see one of these items for yourself.
3. “I want to have that in our home…” This could apply to almost any part of our store, from new shower doors to glass tables, mirrors, and especially glass staircase railings. Often, by looking through what we have on display, you can find something that you didn’t know was available – and might not have even imagined that you would want until you’ve actually seen it.
Want to find out for yourself why there’s so much buzz around the items we have at Calgary’s House of Mirrors? Stop by when you have a few free minutes to check out our showroom, and we promise you’ll leave with an entirely new perspective on Calgary home decoration.
Written by Greg Dunn. Visit Greg on Google+