F#24, 5555 2nd St S.E. Calgary, AB Canada T2H 2W4

Is Architectural Glass at Calgary’s House of Mirrors Expensive?

Is Architectural Glass at Calgary’s House of Mirrors Expensive?

If there is one thing worth waiting for at Calgary’s House of Mirrors, it’s the reaction of new customers when they see architectural glass for the first time. Many have never come across anything like it, or even knew that it existed. Seeing how they are taken with the shapes, colors, and textures that are being created by artists is a fun part of working with such amazing products.

Architectural glass tends to be so amazing, in fact, that many simply assume it’s something they wouldn’t be able to afford. So, is the architectural glass we sell at Calgary’s House of Mirrors expensive?

The short answer is that, because of the unique process involved in creating these works of art, it does cost more than “normal” glass products. Still, it represents a really great value when you consider these three things:

1. Architectural glass doesn’t cost as much as you would think. Although it may cost more than other glass products, most architectural pieces don’t carry a price tag that’s nearly as large as the one customers are holding their minds. It’s an investment, to be sure, but not outrageous.

2. Architectural glass can last a very, very long time. As with any quality purchase, there is a time element involved. It’s very likely that architectural glass from Calgary’s House of Mirrors will be in your home for decades to come. When you consider the investment over that time perspective, architectural glass can actually cost a lot less than other similar improvements to your home.

3. There is a lot of value in having something truly unique. As important as those first two points are, most customers who install architectural glass ultimately do so because they want something beautiful, interesting, and unique in their homes. It’s hard to put a price on that feeling.

To find out more about architectural glass, stop by the showroom at Calgary’s House of Mirrors today and take a look around for yourself.

Written by Greg Dunn. Visit Greg on Google+