F#24, 5555 2nd St S.E. Calgary, AB Canada T2H 2W4

Cinderella Project

Once Upon a Time…

In a land they called Calgary,  a portion of unknown Cinderellas were contemplating how the biggest ball would turn out to be.

Already dealing with the everyday pressures and struggles of high school and teenage years, these young women had another concern on their mind that many don’t concern themselves with…

What to wear to the biggest ball of the year…

With very little cash to spare for such a big night and unsure what to do next, these unknown Cinderellas had very little hope for such a big night.

Little did they know that their fairy godmother was hard at work in the form of the Cinderella Project.

The magic began and the fairy godmothers helped these unknown Cinderellas find a gown that made their hearts sing, and made them feel like the confident young women they are.

Though the ball is still a few months away, these new found Cinderellas can worry about one less thing, and dream of the ball to come.

The Cinderella Project is a not-for-profit organization in Calgary, AB that has been helping local Cinderellas with their grad dresses since 2005. The project was started by several Sir Winston Churchill High School staff & Fashion students. Initially they were in search of 20-30 previously loved ball gowns for several students, and the project took off.

Now, over 50 schools are involved, and over 350 Cinderellas will be participating in this years event. House of Mirrors has worked closely with this not-for-profit organization for many years and enjoys volunteering our products and time for a good cause.

A few years ago, our team built a custom frame for a 3-way custom wardrobe dressing mirror that our local Cinderella’s use when trying on graduation dresses. Each year, transport the materials and setup the custom mirror and frame, and when the weekend comes to a close, we tear down and store them until the next year.