Working out at the gym used to be easy. Suddenly, with the pandemic, it’s become a lot more confusing. So it’s no surprise that Calgarians are thinking about creating their own home gym instead of risking exposure to COVID-19 at their old, shared gym. From investing in high-quality bicycles for outdoor summer fitness to hot tubs for indoor aqua yoga and at-home swimming, Calgarians are trying to adapt to the pandemic without sacrificing their exercise routine. That’s great news.
Beyond our bodies, COVID-19 plagues our society’s mental resilience. It’s easy to feel anxious, depressed, and alone when we’re socially isolated from our loved ones. Commitment to fitness is one of the best cures. Not only is exercise proven to improve mood, but setting and achieving your fitness goals helps give the endless days at home a sense of continuity.
While you dream of your home gym, detailing everything from mats and equipment to your favourite workout tunes, don’t forget the importance of a great, oversized mirror.
Perfect Form.
Working out in front of a mirror isn’t vain — it’s just smart. From dance studios to weight rooms, mirrors are always a feature part of fitness spaces. This is because mirrors help individuals carefully monitor their form as they exercise. It allows individuals to carefully focus on how their body is performing each move. This is important because when individuals concentrate their focus on specific muscles while exercising, they are able to actually increase their performance!
Flexible Fitness Space.
Of course, while Calgarians strive to make their homes adapt to their new fitness needs in a post-COVID world, one fact is obvious: our houses aren’t getting any bigger. Few Calgarians have large, empty spaces in their house which they can dedicate exclusively to a home gym. Instead, Calgarians are seeking a way to create flexible fitness spaces within their home. A mobile custom mirror room divider may be the perfect choice. These elegant room dividers provide ultimate flexibility, while simultaneously offering privacy when working out (or working from home!). For Calgarians who don’t have the space for anything more than a modest workout area, a mat, a bench, and a mirror are the three key ingredients to a humble, minimalist exercise space.
Need help creating your home gym? Whether you have a luxury gym in mind complete with a frameless glass sauna or need an adaptive solution for a smaller space, our expert artisans have you covered. Our team can custom design and build any architectural glass or mirror you can imagine. Let us be your partner in crafting your ideal, home gym today.