Your home should represent you and your family. Homes with a lack of art feel smaller and more monotonous, but you can transform an empty wall into a beautiful place of memories with barely any effort. Here are our designer’s top tips on finding the joy you want in your home.
Glass Mosaic
Mosaic patterns are easy to make when you’re inspired by a collection of complimenting colours. Make your bathroom feel like you’re spread out on a sandy beach in the summertime by having a tan to blue gradient, or add a touch of deep winter blue to make a statement in your white kitchen backsplash. There is a mosaic for every colour combo.
Back Painted Glass
For a chic and reflective futuristic decoration in a bathroom or kitchen, try back painted glass. We are able to customise backsplash with any colour to add to your kitchen. Because of this, you can have an unreal contrast of colours that represent you, your taste, and how you express yourself in the kitchen. Spice it up with some colour!
We Can Frame It!
Building a frame is a wonderful process, because the frame designer is creating an empty space to be filled with art. If we aren’t doing that, we’re taking an already divine piece of work (art or glass) and figuring out how to make it look even more presentable. No matter what your glass masterpiece is, we can frame it!
Speak to our designers about what inspires you or what memories you and your family have together. Have it inspire a unique new art piece or have us fashion the right frame. Together we can create the perfect art for your home. Call us today at 403-253-3777.