Now that the year is heading towards the summer solstice, we can tell you how you can make the most of the light that enters your living space. It starts with creativity.
What existing décor do you have in your home? At House of Mirrors we make a variety of frames for our custom-size mirrors, such as our antique-style mirrors that appear as though you hunted in Old Strathcona for one. You’ll be able to convince your dinner guests that you found it in an antique store while you enjoy the convenience of a mirror that is custom-cut for the perfect space in your home.
If, like us, you’re only just fully adjusted to waking up an hour earlier with daylight savings (yes, for some of us it takes a month), then you’ve come to appreciate that creeping sunlight in the morning when you first wake up. Waking to natural light can be a great start to your day, but how can you make the most of it in your home? By strategically positioning mirrors or other reflective surfaces (check out our glass partitions or back painted glass backsplashes) you can maximise the amount of light that bounces around your living space to make the most of sunny days.
Where Will My Mirror Go?
Location is everything! By placing mirrors in the right part of a space, you can even brighten up dark corners. For a look of depth and sophistication, why not go for a mirrored ceiling? Try a mirror piece near a light fixture or chandelier. This will not only help maximise light coming from a fixture, it enhances the look of depth in your home, making your ceiling appear higher.
With all this light, your house will be photosynthesised like a beautiful plant! As you clear away the cobwebs and spring clutter this season, why not visit House of Mirrors to inspire a new age of sophistication in a light-filled home. Visit our showroom this week to see our beautiful pieces, mentioned in these articles, up close for yourself. Visit us at 5555 2 St SE, Calgary, AB T2H 2W4.