Some people might call us specialists, but what we really strive for is perfection. One way we do this is by identifying one cumbersome task associated with glass and providing a solution. That task is cleaning, and the improvement is DFI protected glass!
DFI Coating
This is about to make your life a whole lot easier. It’s a coating we apply to a glass surface that fills in any microscopic crevices in the glass surface of your shower or window. Do you hate those water droplets that form in your shower? With DFI, water simply slides away. Use a soft sponge to lift off any shampoo or soap residue, and spray again with water.
But a Shower Isn’t the Only Place
Do you have a window that’s inconveniently placed next to a heater or sink that’s always building up condensation? No matter how many times you Windex an untreated glass window pane, there’s always a time when sunlight hits it at such an angle that you can see a streaky residue. With a DFI coating, just apply water. It slides right off and leaves no residue.
Use It On Every Surface
Our DFI coating can be applied to any glass surface. The same streak-free quality can be had by a mirror, backsplash, partition, or shower interior. And speaking of backsplash or shower interior, the most low-maintenance kitchen backsplash or shower enclosure you’ll ever have is with our back-painted glass. Customisable to any colour, back-painted glass provides a fresh, neutral alternative to tile. It also stays clean for longer than tile, as there are no grout lines to foster mildew growth.
Stay clean with a lazy cleaning routine. Simply ask about DFI coating next time you look at products in our House of Mirrors Calgary showroom, located at F#24, 5555 2nd St S.E, Calgary, T2H 2W4. Why not visit us this week? We hope to see you soon.