As Canadian businesses have become multidisciplinary, it’s become increasingly common for small teams of professionals to tackle a wide variety of tasks. Design creatives, brainstorming, and onboarding meetings all require a different look and feel to your commercial space, and that can be further complicated by also needing spaces where employees can work individually, collaborate on projects, or just eat their lunch. To meet this growing need for agile work spaces, we’ve seen a rising trend in dynamic, multifunctional furniture and architectural elements.
Moveable, Multifunctional, & Lightweight
When selecting furniture and architectural elements for a dynamic office space, you’ll need to steer away from clunky, heavy options. Wood, while beautiful, is very heavy. Bulky bookshelves and solid sofas without wheels are out as well. Your goal is to work with your designer to allow the complete transformation of your office environment from creative collaboration meeting space to video studio (perfect for live demos, video conferencing, and youtube) to a quiet, semi-private workspace in seconds.
To this end, moveable glass room dividers are one of your most powerful tools. Lightweight and offering sound insulation, glass room dividers won’t disrupt the flow of light. They are available in a virtually unlimited choice of colour, thickness, and texture; glass room dividers can also serve double duty as a writing surface for brainstorming sessions.
Encourage Community
In our increasingly digital world, the business sphere has seen the slow shift towards remote workers. As of 2020, a recent study found that 70% of professionals telecommute at least once a week — and over 50% are working away from the office half of the work week. Staff value work-life balance, and they should, but having your team in the office instead of working remotely is also important.
As employees filter out of the office to work remotely, both the team members who are telecommuting and the staff remaining in the office can feel increasingly isolated. Having the whole team together allows staff to build relationships, boosting morale. Dynamic commercial spaces that prioritize a cooler, vibrant work culture instead of a sterile all-business-all-the-time atmosphere can encourage and inspire your team to prefer working at the office.
The world is changing, and businesses — and their offices — need to adapt to keep up. Welcoming, comfortable, and flexible workspaces that help promote company culture and community are a necessary building block of attracting the best talent. Our team at House of Mirrors can help custom craft the architectural glass elements you need to create an inviting, dynamic office, so your commercial space is ready for anything. Call us today.