F#24, 5555 2nd St S.E. Calgary, AB Canada T2H 2W4

Best Glass Cleaning Strategies and Cleaners

Best Glass Cleaning Strategies and Cleaners - House of Mirrors - Mirrors and Glass Calgary - Featured Image

When it comes to durable, elegant materials that are easy to clean, nothing beats glass. With almost limitless flexibility, glass can be used architecturally (for stairways or to create individual work offices), as a statement design choice (gravity glass and glass backsplashes come to mind), and everything in between. As our world continues to be affected by COVID-19, it’s no wonder that Calgary business owners and homeowners alike are renovating to add more glass to make their spaces less inviting to bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. But once your beautiful, frameless glass shower door or your business’s professional, glass writing surface is installed, what is the best way to achieve that perfect, streak-free clean?


The Right Cleaner.

When it comes to glass cleaner, there are many options available. Most commercial glass cleaners work very well, but for a cheap, homemade alternative try this recipe:

  • 1 cup rubbing alcohol 
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar

Combine the three ingredients into a spray bottle for a highly affordable, fast-drying glass cleaner.


The Right Tools.

For a lint-free clean, there are a few good options for glass cleaning tools. A squeegee, of course, works great. Squeegees are designed to remove all the cleaner and simultaneously polish the glass for a professional, spot-free finish. If you don’t have a squeegee at hand, an old cotton shirt will work in a pinch. Cotton absorbs well (so no cleaner should be left behind), and it shouldn’t shed lint. For tight corners, try using a cotton swab dipped in your glass cleaning solution.


The Right Methods.

For outdoor glass and windows, clean on a cool, cloudy day. When the sun is too hot, it can evaporate your cleaner before it gets a chance to work. When cleaning indoors, avoid cleaning the glass when your house or office is hot. Try in the morning to avoid summer highs. Spray and wipe from top to bottom for the best effect. Be careful to avoid spraying woodwork, as the alcohol in glass cleaner can dry it out.


It’s no surprise that everyone — especially business owners —  are double-checking the best way to clean surfaces. We all want to do our part to help keep our communities safe, and that means choosing easy to clean materials and making sure they’re cleaned regularly. If you want to replace old, porous materials (like wood or plastic) in your home or at your business with glass, you’ve come to the right place! Our designers are able to craft custom pieces, or we invite you to take a look in our showroom — you just might find exactly what you’re looking for. Call us today to get started!